Biotechnology and Bioinformatics

The 15 members of each Theme Panel will meet, at least twice a year, to;

  • put forward ideas for Focused Meetings
  • consider proposals from other scientists within their field of expertise (referee the proposal)
  • highlight to the Meetings Board areas of hot science that should be in the programme
  • form part of the Science Advisory Committee for each Annual Meeting (BioScience)
  • report to the Meetings Board
  • develop interdisciplinary activities and collaborate with appropriate sister societies.

The Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Theme Panel is Theme Panel VI within the Biochemical Society. The group continues to represent broad interest in the general area of biotechnology and bioinformatics and plays a major role in organizing Society Meetings across diverse areas of biotechnology and bioinformatics research and education.

The Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Theme Panel welcomes suggestions for Biochemical Society meetings from all members of the scientific community. If you have an idea for a meeting, and wish to have an informal discussion with a member of a Theme Panel, you are welcome to contact that member. If you wish to submit a formal proposal for a meeting, complete the relevant form and forward it to

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